Shield AIShield AIShield AI

Welcome To Shield Ai

Let our Ai Machines think on behalf of you and together we will identify your needs and build a plan that helps turn your dreams into reality.

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Who We Are?

Machine learner to build your desired Ai

Easy way to use Ai tools and tools to build your designed Ai for your financial goals.

In SHIELD Ai we use latest technology in the financial sector to maximize ROI comparing with normal thinking

Join 10m+ users buying and selling 150+ financial tools at true cost.
Describe your investment required plans and Let the Ai design the plan for you .
Enjoy your time with your preferred activity and get up to 100% annually.
Grow your portfolio by receiving rewards on your assets.

Get started in a few
minutes with us

SHIELD Ai supports most of the market brokers, consult with our customer support to know how to participate in three simple steps

Create an account

Open a trading account with one of our recommended brokers, upload your documents and get it funded

Link your account

Share your account details to be linked to our Ai Machines and choose your desired plan to complete the setup

Start to Gain Profits

Now its time to relax and watch your account growing securely. Enjoy your returns in monthly or quarterly basis
Benefits from Ai

Financial Planing
for the near future !

We believe your goals is the key to successful financial planning.

Let our Ai Machines think on behalf of you and together we will identify your needs and build a plan that helps turn your dreams into reality.

Target your Goals
Establish Partnership
Get Recommendations
Analyse and Evaluate
Prepare Alternatives
Implementing Plan
Monitoring your Steps
Enjoy Rewards
Target your Goals
Establish Partnership
Get Recommendations
Analyse and Evaluate
Prepare Alternatives
Implementing Plan
Monitoring your Steps
Enjoy Rewards
Years of Experiences
Team Member
Covered Countries
Number of Strategies
Crypto Earn

Deposit crypto,
Combined values of Blockchain and AI.

Blockchain is being used by Ai technologies, in the near future together Choose from 40+ cryptocurrencies and stable coins.

Up to

1 %

p.a. on cryptos

Up to

1 %

p.a. on stablecoins

Join now

Our active clients
All Over the world.

Latest Blog

Learn something more from blog

Frequently asked questions

You can learn more from our FAQ

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

Our purpose is to build solutions that remove the barriers preventing people from doing their best work, and this is at the heart of how we approach our. Learning and Growth. We’re building a learning organization, so you not only develop your craft but your ability to partner.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)