Shield AIShield AIShield AI

Portfolio Management

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Let AI manage your trading portfolio, Just fill in your management contract and enjoy your profits comes smarter

AI-based investing is a new way of spreading investment capital that requires growing wealth. This strategy is based on algorithms, utilizing artificial intelligence to support stock market trading with the smart trading system for the most profitable and unexpected results.

Management Contract




  • This Product Disclosure Statement and Term Sheet (“Documents”) are neither a prospectus nor statements in lieu of a prospectus nor are any securities being offered for sale on the basis of these documents. These documents are for information and illustrative purposes only and are intended to provide interested Investors with a starting point from which to conduct their own due diligence into all matters relating to their investment.

  • The Issuer is extending an invitation to Qualified Investors only to carefully read and understand below terms and conditions. The documents are for limited private circulation only and are being extended to Qualified Investors shall not be deemed to be or constitute an offer or invitation to the general public to subscribe for the Positions.

  • Investors are reminded that investments in financial instruments carry inherent risks. The value of the positions will vary according to prevailing economic conditions and there is a possibility that Investors may not be able to recover their investment. Past performance of any financial instruments or class of financial instruments should not be taken as an indication of future performance. Investors should also factor in that market’s liquidity might be low sometimes and that they may need to hold their positions for longer time.

  • If the Investor's reference currency is different to the currency, in which the Notes are denominated, the Investor will be exposed to currency risk between changes in the rates between the two currencies. Fluctuations in exchange rates can have material adverse effects on the value of the Notes or return on investment and Investors should factor in this issue in their investment decision.

  • Shield Ai is an Artificial Intelligence developer. The developed system is specifically designed to accurately execute orders in the global financial markets. Investor acknowledged under this statement that he appointed and authorized Shield Ai to manage his account in trading only by sell and purchase according to local and international requirements, and acknowledged that he shall send all required information and all details of his Trading account to Shield Ai, in order to proceed with system setup in an optimal manner, and also undertakes not to hide any information relating to the said account that may cause damage.

  • Investor acknowledged that he is fully aware of the leverage risk given on the deals size he enters, either by sale or purchase, on the basis that leverage is one of the trading tools in the international financial markets. Also acknowledged that he is fully aware of the nature of the international financial markets and their high fluctuations, and that he follows the economic news that may affect the prices movement. However, Investor Acknowledged that he undertakes not to interfere in any decision-making process in the trading operation to avoid causing any conflict that would lead to loss in the trading operation.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)